
Cresswood Shredding Machinery’s Commitment to Community Impact and Employee Care

For a company serious about demonstrating its core values, the most important thing is showing tangible evidence of these values in action. Far too often, organizations tout their values but they remain nothing more than a fancy banner on the wall. One of my favorite sayings is “Love is a VERB”. Without manifesting itself in real actions, love is impotent and hollow, merely potential but never making a difference in the world and people’s lives. Cresswood Shredding Machinery, along with being a proud manufacturer of American made industrial shredders and grinders, is absolutely passionate about making a positive impact in our community. We are also an employee-centered culture, firmly believing that if we take care of our associates they will in turn take good care of our customers. One important aspect of Cresswood showing employee care is we will pay for up to 8 hours of volunteer work in the community. This spring, several employees will put that benefit into action as we expand our community gardens here on the campus.

A World Class Industrial Grinder Manufacturing Team’s Community Garden Initiative


The Cresswood community gardens began four years ago with the installation of three raised garden beds. Green and yellow beans, carrots, lettuces, tomatoes, and peppers were the first produce raised in the garden. All of these fresh, organic vegetables were donated to the Dekalb County Community Gardens Grow Mobile program. This amazing program delivers thousands of pounds of quality food every year to those experiencing food insecurities in our surrounding communities. Last year, we were able to donate well over 100 pounds of organic produce in our company garden, something that is making a real difference in the lives of people in need here in the DeKalb area.

cresswood-is-cultivating-values-in-action-through-the-cresswood-community-gardens-walnut-grove-vocational-farm-workerEmpowering Communities through Inclusive Agriculture

Perhaps the best part of this activity is that all of the seedlings we will plant in the garden beds will be purchased from DCCG’s Walnut Grove Vocational Farm. The Walnut Grove Vocational Farm provides innovative work opportunities and career options for adults with developmental disabilities by providing agricultural training and employment in integrated settings. The fastest-growing employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities are with farms and ranches. Agriculture-related opportunities allow those with disabilities a healthy, fun, integrated, and meaningful way for them to participate and contribute to the wider community.

New Additions and Increased Capacity at Cresswood Community Gardens

cresswood-is-cultivating-values-in-action-through-the-cresswood-community-gardens-3We now have active plots of perennials in the form of Mary Washington asparagus and tasty rhubarb to add to the wide variety of annual types of produce we grow in the garden. This spring, we are committed to expanding our production capacity by installing two more new raised bed boxes, bringing our total to twelve total boxes! The plan is to plant strawberries in one and use the other to grow more peppers or beans.

Dedicated World Class Industrial Shredder Team Members Volunteer to Drive Expansion

cresswood-is-cultivating-values-in-action-through-the-cresswood-community-gardensJay Hawbaker, Sawyer Forest, Derrick Wells, Olivia Echevarria, and Ashanti Rainey all enthusiastically volunteered to help. We will be filling the new boxes with 3 yards of garden mix, as well as distributing the twenty bags of donated mushroom compost into the twelve beds. Each bed will then be tilled in preparation for planting. Jay is a 25-year employee who works as the foreman in our assembly department, Olivia has been with us for a year and works as the front desk receptionist. Ashanti has worked at Cresswood for more than eight years as our maintenance technician. He has also played an instrumental part in fabricating all the raised bed boxes. Sawyer and Derrick are part of our Fabrication Shop team. Sawyer has been with Cresswood for two and a half years, and her adeptness in fabrication brings unparalleled precision and expertise to Cresswood Shredding Machinery’s manufacturing process. Over the past year, Derrick has seamlessly integrated into our team as our Fabrication Shop Operations Coordinator, bringing with him a wealth of expertise and a lifelong dedication to metal fabrication. His commitment to excellence shines not only in his professional endeavors but also in his personal pursuits. With a deep-seated passion for volunteering, Derrick and Sawyer continuously seek out opportunities to make a positive impact in our community.

Together, they are showing true Cresswood spirit by living out our core values, using their valuable time in support of our community garden initiative. Their hard work will go a long way in making a real and positive impact for people in need right here where we live and work.

cresswood-is-cultivating-values-in-action-through-the-cresswood-community-gardens-2Cresswood Shredding Machinery stands as a beacon of integrity and action, embodying its values through tangible contributions to both its employees and the community. With a steadfast commitment to producing technologically advanced, American made industrial shredders and grinders, coupled with a deep-seated passion for community betterment, Cresswood sets an exemplary standard for corporate responsibility. By fostering employee-centered initiatives such as supporting volunteer work and expanding the company’s community gardens, Cresswood cultivates a culture of compassion and service. Through the dedicated efforts of individuals on our team who generously devote their time and skills, Cresswood continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need, embodying the true essence of love in action.